chusss - The Visitor BLOG: Guitar Soundtrack - The Witch of The Ocean - chusss - The Visitor

07 October 2013

Guitar Soundtrack - The Witch of The Ocean - chusss - The Visitor

The Witch of The Ocean - chusss - The Visitor
(Electric guitar soundtrack / Guitar instrumental in A Minor)

Hey there friends,

I'm happy to publish my latest work and this time it's an old song that I composed on the classic guitar a few months after I started playing the guitar for the first time in 2000.

It was not completely done in terms of composition until the end of 2002 after I began to play the electric guitar.

What I wrote on the classic guitar was the main riff which is played at 1:34 and it was really very inspiring to me at that time and it still actually brings a lot of memories whenever I listen to it. I even still have the test wave file recorded by Windows 98 sound recorder using a headphones mic!

The first demo I recorded was done in 2002 and I was so happy and excited with it when I first learned to multi-track and do arrangements using software applications.

But when I listen to that early demo now I really think it was a bad joke! composition is exactly the same note for note, but the recording/mix quality was too bad.

Even though, this current demo recorded in Sep 2013 might not sound very professional but it makes me happy to see some progress and some improvements after all this time!

Shit! it's been more than 10 years now! and I'm still using my favorite FLstudio.. version 9.0 for arrangements/sequencing/effects...etc

in 2002 it was still version 3.0! I participated personally in the development of that version with many new features ideas/testing and bugs reporting with the image-line team.

About recording and multi-tracking, I stopped using Cubase and moved to a much simpler software for recording and mixing which is Sony ACID Pro 7.0

You might not find any professional musicians or sound engineers using ACID, but to be honest it's an excellent application, very stable and very friendly with CPU usage and it gives me more than I need.

You can check the main page of ACID on and you can listen to some samples done by pro's and you will hear clearly the kind of quality it can deliver.

Then you will probably understand that basic knowledge is much more important than powerful softwares. The application alone won't allow you to produce quality tracks without the knowledge, even if you use some Hollywood computer programs! This is one of the most important things I learned over the years.

This electric guitar soundtrack is in A minor mostly, however there is a few key shifts in the middle 2:03 - 2:33 until the main solo part which is in E minor, then after the solo everything goes back again to the main key of this instrumental which is A minor.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by.. Please share the song with your friends with similar tastes and help me spread my works.


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